Thursday 25 October 2012

Welcome to the Birling Gap Native Garden!

Something exciting is happening this Autumn at Birling Gap.

Volunteers from the South Downs National Park have been beavering away to make an Interpretation Garden.

Drift woods collected from the beach and hauled up the steps, with much puffing and groaning is being transformed into dramatic garden sculptures rippling across the garden like waves on the shore or the soft curves of chalk downland.

Come and take a look at our garden as it grows….We would love to share it with you.

I’ll leave you some intriguing images of the next phase under construction.


  1. I like this web site although I wonder if some recognition could be given to Gabby's involvement?

  2. I agree with Jonesy, Gabby needs some recognition for the amount of time and effort she has put into this project.

  3. I emailed her to do this right after Jonesy's message appeared. Yesterday I asked her in person.
